Christianity Is Not A Crime! Kill The So-Called Equality Act!
TO: President Donald J. Trump and;
The Republican Members Of The United States Senate: The Hon. Richard Shelby, The Hon. Dan Sullivan, The Hon. Lisa Murkowski, The Hon. Martha McSally, The Hon. Tom Cotton, The Hon. John Boozman, The Hon. Cory Gardner, The Hon. Rick Scott, The Hon. Marco Rubio, The Hon. David Perdue, The Hon. Johnny Isakson, The Hon. Jim Risch, The Hon. Mike Crapo, The Hon. Mike Braun, The Hon. Todd Young, The Hon. Joni Ernst, The Hon. Chuck Grassley, The Hon. Pat Roberts, The Hon. Jerry Moran, The Hon. Mitch McConnell, The Hon. Rand Paul, The Hon. Bill Cassidy, The Hon. John Kennedy, The Hon. Susan Collins, The Hon. Roger Wicker, The Hon. Cindy Hyde-Smith, The Hon. Josh Hawley, The Hon. Roy Blunt, The Hon. Steve Daines, The Hon. Deb Fischer, The Hon. Ben Sasse, The Hon. Thom Tillis, The Hon. Richard Burr, The Hon. Kevin Cramer, The Hon. John Hoeven, The Hon. Rob Portman, The Hon. James Inhofe, The Hon. James Lankford, The Hon. Pat Toomey, The Hon. Lindsey Graham, The Hon. Tim Scott The Hon. Mike Rounds, The Hon. John Thune, The Hon. Marsha Blackburn, The Hon. Lamar Alexander, The Hon. Ted Cruz, The Hon. John Cornyn, The Hon. Mitt Romney, The Hon. Mike Lee, The Hon. Shelley Moore Capito, The Hon. Ron Johnson, The Hon. John Barrasso, The Hon. Mike Enzi
Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves! At this very moment, legislation that is insultingly and clumsily disguised as a civil rights bill has quietly made its way to the United States Senate.
The so-called Equality Act, if passed, will be used by radicals to effectively nullify the First Amendment and force churches, religious-based institutions, schools, businesses, charitable organizations and people of faith, under penalty of law, to directly violate their faith.
I need not remind you that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly prohibits Congress from enacting laws which prohibit the free exercise of religion and that the United States Government has no right to infringe on the religious liberties of its citizens.
The so-called Equality Act must die. A stake must be driven through its heart, and I expect statements from every member of the United States in the Senate, in the coming days, expressing that exact sentiment!
A concerned citizen