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TO: The Members Of The GOP House Leadership And Other Key Members Of The House GOP Caucus: The Hon. Mike Johnson, The Hon. Steve Scalise, The Hon. Elise Stefanik, The Hon. Tom Emmer, The Hon Gary Palmer, The Hon. Jim Jordan, The Hon. Andy Biggs, The Hon. Matt Gaetz, The Hon. Lauren Boebert and The Hon. Marjorie Taylor Greene and;

The Republican Members Of The United States Senate: The Hon. Katie Britt, The Hon. Tommy Tuberville, The Hon. Lisa Murkowski, The Hon. Daniel S. Sullivan, The Hon. John Boozman, The Hon. Tom Cotton, The Hon. Marco Rubio, The Hon. Rick Scott, The Hon. Mike Crapo, The Hon. Jim Risch, The Hon. Mike Braun, The Hon. Todd C. Young, The Hon. Joni Ernst, The Hon. Chuck Grassley, The Hon. Roger Marshall, The Hon. Jerry Moran, The Hon. Mitch McConnell, The Hon. Rand Paul, The Hon. Bill Cassidy, The Hon. John Neely Kennedy, The Hon. Susan Collins, The Hon. Cindy Hyde-Smith, The Hon. Roger Wicker, The Hon. Josh Hawley, The Hon. Eric Schmitt, The Hon. Steve Daines, The Hon. Deb Fischer, The Hon. Ted Budd, The Hon. Thom Tillis, The Hon. Kevin Cramer, The Hon. John Hoeven, The Hon. J.D. Vance, The Hon. James Lankford, The Hon. Markwayne Mullin, The Hon. Lindsey Graham, The Hon. Tim Scott, The Hon. Mike Rounds, The Hon. John Thune, The Hon. Marsha Blackburn, The Hon. Bill Hagerty, The Hon. John Cornyn, The Hon. Ted Cruz, The Hon. Mike Lee, The Hon. Mitt Romney, The Hon. Shelley Moore Capito, The Hon. Ronald Harold Johnson, The Hon. John Barrasso, The Hon. Cynthia Lummis

RE: Stop Lying! The Scam Biden Border Bill Is A "Stinking Pile Of Crap"!

That's what Senator Ted Cruz called it, a "stinking pile of crap bill."

You tell us that patriotic Americans are keeping the border open because we won't support the Biden Border Bill Scam, but it was Joe Biden who opened the border. Stop lying to the American people and secure the border.

You tell us that patriotic Americans are holding border security hostage because we won't support the Biden Border Bill Scam, but the House passed excellent border security legislation (H.R. 2 - The Secure Border Act of 2023) and it's been collecting dust in the Senate since May of 2023. The Senate can pass that bill tomorrow. Stop lying to the American people and secure the border.

You tell us that you have a deal but the truth is that you're still negotiating. You have nothing. Nothing is on paper. You haven't even agreed on anything; and yet you want patriotic Americans to throw their support behind something that doesn't even exist. Stop lying to the American people and secure the border.

Stop your childish games. Stop trying to trick the American people into supporting legislation that will simply legalize illegal immigration and secure the damn border!


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